And so it happened that around midday on Sunday, I set off for Rancho San Antonio
As I was getting onto the freeway, I felt the engine shudder and struggle to get up to 45 MPH. The engine felt "weak," if an engine can be said to feel like anything at all. The battery light was on. Oh, goody.
Luckily I was near the De Anza College exit and I am familiar with the area, so I got off there and dragged my lame butt into the parking garage near the Flint Center. I parked and proceeded to turn the engine off and on several times, hoping it might "clear" the problem (that's worked sometimes before when the "check engine" light came on). It didn't help.
I really didn't want to call roadside assistance because I was afraid they'd send a tow truck and I wasn't sure how much that would cost. But I also didn't want to break down on my way home, so I finally decided to stay put and give them a call. Initially they were going to send a tow truck, but I asked them to send someone to jump me instead. They said it would be about a 45-minute wait.
Being stuck in the De Anza parking garage alone on a Sunday afternoon is really not very interesting. I bided my time watching pigeons and squirrels ambling about. I probably imagined it, but I thought I saw a pigeon walk up to my car, stop, eye my car for a moment and then turn around and walk away with a look of annoyance on its birdy face. Maybe I was in its way.
Finally I got a call from Bay Area Roadrunner, saying they were on the way. To my surprise it was a woman's voice on the phone! When I hung up I thought maybe she was the secretary at their office, but a few minutes later a white car pulled up and two older women got out. How cool is that? I always assume anyone working with cars would be male, but here were two awesome ladies sent to my rescue. The driver of the car, who had beautiful long, grey hair, hooked up a battery to mine and found that my battery would not hold a charge. She said the alternator was not the problem, which apparently was a good thing because they cost more than a new battery. She advised me not to get back on the freeway and to take it to the nearest auto parts store.
So I slowly puttered down Stevens Creek and came upon a Jiffy Lube. I asked if they did batteries, and the guy replied no, but would I like an oil change? I guess oil changes are just about all Jiffy Lube does. They directed me to Pep Boys down the street. The guys in there were super friendly and helpful (cute, too). It was a long wait because there were so many cars being serviced, but finally they did run a test, determined that the battery was no longer capable of holding a charge, and installed a new one. I decided to get my oil changed too while I was at it.
Sitting in the waiting area at Pep Boys is also not very interesting. I read my way through all the "women's" magazines in about fifteen minutes. They were far outnumbered by the number of automotive magazines. Then I wandered around the store and looked at GPS units, floor mats, and iPod chargers. Whee. All in all, I was there at least two hours, way longer than it would have taken if I'd gone to Tom (the mechanic I usually go to who sold me the car). Tom probably would've charged less, too, but he doesn't work on Sundays. I felt slightly guilty about getting an oil change from someone else, but I didn't want to make a separate trip to get that done. All in all, I had a good experience at Pep Boys and I would go back there in a pinch, but only if Tom wasn't available.
The new battery is awesome. I hadn't realized it, but I guess the old one was getting ready to give up the ghost for a while. Dino rides much more smoothly now, without hesitation. I think the heat feels warmer than it used to be, too, although I'm not sure if the battery has anything to do with that. I'm not happy about putting more money into the car, but it kind of had to be done. And I am pleased with the results.
I can't believe how attached to this car I've become. I can't believe I gave him a name. I know I'm going to need a new car before long, but it will be really hard to part with Dino.
1 comment:
Well there you least your blog here is from Dec. 9th. Not TOO long ago....after my email earlier today, I decided to check your Sisterpage and see if you were around! Drop me an email if you get a chance-
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